Macau Water 服務澳門市民超過50年, 這段前間澳門經歷了不少重大變遷, 然而,確保潔淨的食水能輸送到每家每戶,關注環保議題等使命卻堅持沒變。
年報部份,間頁以檢測用的試管,到日常生活中的洗澡,洗碗,喝水以至排汗的圖片, 表達企業責任與市民日常生活息息相關。
Macau Water has serviced residents more than 50 years, Macau has experienced lots of vicissitude throughout the years, but the company has not sacrificed its quality service in bringing pure water to people and care about the environment two-core philosophy which they stand for.
The book provides the readers the information about the company’s annual report as well as the sustainability report. The style is simple to represent its philosophies.
Inside the annual report, we’ve provided illustrations like test tubes and some daily activities such as taking a shower, washing the dishes, drinking water and perspiration in the chapter pages to express those daily life events are people’s corporate responsibility.