紀念孫中山先生在澳行醫120週年 Commemorating Dr. Sun Yat-sen's 120th Anniversary of Practicing Medicine in Australia

publication design

出版物設計此書作為一篇研究孫中山先生當年革命流亡期間與澳門之間的交集,彙集、拼接了不同的有關資料。於是設計理念便以“訪尋孫中山”為主軸, 封面直接地顯露出半個孫中山埋藏於各種料資與記載中,正等待與讀者一同探索。

This book is a piece of study which connect relevant data of Sun Yat-Sen’s revolution while in exile between Macau. Therefore, the design of subject is "visit to Sun Yat-sen", showing half of Sun Yat-Sen’s pattern on the cover, and after a variety of material data and record, waiting for exploration with the readers.